Frank Phantom

In Love with Jazz, not all that jazz…

The Idea messer and merger and something like that…

An incurable, inconvincible fool still plans to become a star… Sorry, ‘already a star’ if one has sufficiently powerful telescope. Has an idea for the future to obtain lands and let them owned by trees of its habitat. A more decent plan to earn his own music; buying gadgets n’ stuff for better compositions (Does he have any yet??)


Tattoo & Illustration Artist

Beovary is a tattoo artist, an illustrator. To make a living, she storms the service in the pub and looks so stunningly beautiful that those who think they will drink a beer and go home will get so drunk until closing time when she has to chase them out of the pub.

Purchasing her designs, she intends to use the savings to buy materials to further devote herself to her art and with your appreciation, maybe have herself a villa on the beach in Malibu soon.